Dark Road Series

BREAKDOWN, Dark Road Book One
Post Apocalyptic Survival Series
May 2018
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Do you have what it takes to survive?

Ben Davis was prepared for disaster. He just didn’t know it would come so soon.

He and his teenage son, Joel, are miles deep in the backcountry of the San Juan Mountains when high-altitude nuclear electromagnetic detonations light up the pre-dawn sky. Ben, Joel, and their dog, Gunner, must make their way home – or to whatever’s left of it – on foot.

Without the ability to communicate with his ex-wife in Maryland, Ben has no idea if Joel’s brother and sister are okay. The two decide they have no options but to head East. Before their journey begins, they venture into town to check Ben’s outdoor store for supplies and discover one of Joel’s classmates, Allie, alone and in desperate need of help.

When Ben realizes Allie’s flight attendant mother is most likely dead and her father lives in Pittsburgh, he knows he has to take her with them. Ben must use the skills he learned as an Army Ranger many years ago to survive the post-apocalyptic world they now live in.

Can he keep himself and two teenagers safe as they navigate the dark and dangerous road ahead?Image result for divider line icon

ESCAPE, Dark Road Book Two
Post Apocalyptic Survival Series
June 2018
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Could you protect your own?

Recent EMP attacks have left the country in a state of chaos and upheaval. With two of his children on the East Coast, Ben Davis has left Colorado behind, embarking on a cross-country journey with his eldest son, Joel, one of Joel’s classmates, Allie, and the family dog, Gunner.

Very few modern vehicles remain functional, but thanks to Joel’s 1972 Chevy Blazer, Ben and his crew are mobile and able to carry supplies. But that doesn’t mean they’re safe in this post-apocalyptic world.

They soon discover that life as they know it is over. Danger fills every moment of their new reality. No longer can people be trusted. Especially with resources dwindling and new threats around every bend in the road.

Survival means working together, but it also means the teenagers have to grow up fast. Ben struggles with some decisions he’s forced to make, but he refuses to let his family suffer at the hands of the desperate. Even if he has to shed blood to keep them safe.

Ben’s skills as a former Army Ranger are tested repeatedly as he fights to lead his crew across the new wasteland of America. Will there come a time when the dark road ahead is too much?Image result for divider line icon

RESISTANCE, Dark Road Book Three
Post Apocalyptic Survival Series
July 2018
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How far would you go for family?

As Ben, Joel, Allie, and their dog Gunner continue their trek across the EMP ravaged country, constant challenges face them at every turn.

The struggle to get through the post-apocalyptic wasteland in an effort to find Allie’s dad in Pittsburgh and reunite with Joel’s brother and sister in Maryland tests Ben’s abilities as a former Army Ranger.

But the teenagers have trials of their own, namely coming to terms with their lost youth as they are forced to grow up fast and make some tough decisions. And as the group passes through one devastated town after another it becomes apparent that only the strong and prepared will survive in these dangerous days.

From kidnappers to roadblocks it seems it’s every man for himself in this dangerous new world. Are there any good people left or is this dark road one they have to travel alone?Image result for divider line icon

FALLOUT, Dark Road Book Four
Post Apocalyptic Survival Series
August 2018
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Would this be your final stand?

The journey continues for Ben, his son Joel, Joel’s classmate Allie and their dog Gunner as they struggle with the harsh realities of this dangerous new world.

Forging their way past countless obstacles both natural and manmade, they slowly make their way across the country, never knowing where they will sleep, or what challenges lie ahead. But the drive to reunite with family pushes them toward the east coast.

Setbacks wait around every turn. Ben and his crew must adapt and overcome, honing their survival skills as they are repeatedly forced to fight for their lives.

Will Ben’s army training get them to their loved ones in time? Or will the dark road take its toll?Image result for divider line icon

EXTRACTION, Dark Road Book Five
Post Apocalyptic Survival Series
October 2018
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What would you do to survive?

Ben, Joel, Allie and their dog, Gunner, have faced down foes of all descriptions in their odyssey across the EMP ravaged country in search of their families.

Now as they approach the final leg of their journey the stakes are raised. With no way of knowing what danger lurks ahead, they encounter a new and never ending gauntlet of challenges and threats. Their ability to work as a team is tested anew, and they realize survival in this new world will require them all to make sacrifices.

Joel and Allie are forced to grow up fast in a world that offers little forgiveness for mistakes. Will the physical and mental demands be too much for them to handle? Will Ben’s Army training and survival skills get them through and allow them to reunite with family?

Or will this be the last road they travel together?Image result for divider line icon

Post Apocalyptic Survival Series
February 2019
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Get all five of the Dark Road books in one collection.


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Reckoning, Dark Road Book Six
Post Apocalyptic Survival Series
November 2019
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Will you be ready when the reckoning comes?

After a grueling trip, Ben, Joel, Allie, her mother Sandy, and Gunner have reached their destination on the Eastern shore of Maryland.

Ben is reunited with his two younger children who have been surviving with the help of their ailing grandfather, Jack and his dog Sam. But reaching Jack’s farm doesn’t guarantee their safety, however, and the struggle to survive continues.

They must remain vigilant in their efforts to protect what is theirs, and the people they love. Ben is hoping for a chance to re-supply and get some much needed rest after their cross country ordeal, but fate has other plans for them.

Jack’s stubbornness in accepting help and refusal to leave his farm means Ben must make a tough decision about doing what’s best for his children. They’re forced to prepare quickly for the journey back to Colorado. But will they all make it home?Image result for divider line icon
DECEPTION, Dark Road Book Seven
Post Apocalyptic Survival Series
March 2020
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Are there any decent people left?

Having reached his kids in Maryland, Ben is faced with the challenge of crossing the country once more and getting everyone safely home to Colorado.

The struggle to survive is the only constant in their otherwise unpredictable lives. With each passing day, Ben becomes increasingly cynical about the state of mankind and worries that the children will grow up to feel the same.

Remaining vigilant is no guarantee that they will avoid problems on the journey back. Even when things seem safe, danger and evil lurk in the shadows. Letting their guard down means inviting trouble.

Ben knows that the protection he provides for his children has limits and in the end, they must learn to fight for themselves if they are to make it home. But the hardest lesson comes when Ben’s two youngest, Bradley and Emma, discover that things are not always what they seem on the road. 

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RESTITUTION, Dark Road Book Eight
Post Apocalyptic Survival Series
October  2020
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Will they ever see home again?

Colorado seems farther away than ever for Ben and his crew. Especially when a road block lures them deeper into the Appalachian Mountains.

Ambushed and captured, they fall prey to a gang of backwoods moonshiners turned post apocalyptic outlaws. After being led back to camp and locked up, the crew’s morale is at an all time low. Ben knows they must come together as a team if they are going to survive.

As the moonshiners’ intentions for them and their dogs comes to light, Ben and the others realize they must devise a way to escape no matter the risk. The alternative is unthinkable.

But sometimes even the best laid plans fall apart in the heat of battle, as Ben and the others soon find out while fighting for their freedom and their lives.Image result for divider line icon

DESPERATION, Dark Road Book Nine
Post Apocalyptic Survival Series
January 2021
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No rest for the weary.

With a second chance ahead of them and the moonshiner’s compound in the rearview mirror, Ben and his crew can resume their cross-country trek to Colorado. Or can they?

Three newly rescued acquaintances and another canine companion complicate their life on the road. And the addition of two more vehicles to their west bound convoy only adds to Ben’s responsibilities.

Making matters worse, the open road quickly proves more hostile than they remember. Scarce supplies, extreme weather and desperate miscreants have made the landscape a living hell. They soon find themselves fighting for survival once again.

Ben’s mettle and army training are put to the test in more ways than one, and he realizes it will take greater determination and cunning than ever before to stay on course. All while learning that help sometimes comes from the most unlikely places.Image result for divider line icon

FORSAKEN, Dark Road Book Ten
Post Apocalyptic Survival Series
July 2021
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Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Things go from bad to worse for Ben and his crew as they struggle to push on toward Colorado. Unfortunately, due to Emma’s deteriorating health, they’re forced to alter their plans. But a delay might not be their biggest problem.

Battling the elements and their own physical limits proves to be almost as treacherous as the roving gangs of highway bandits that lurk in the shadows, looking to prey upon the weak or unprepared. It’s more important than ever to remain vigilant.

Especially when being deep in Patriot Hooligan territory makes every stop to fuel the vehicles a potential life and death situation. The murderous gang of extremists leave no question about their intent for anyone unlucky enough to cross their path. Something made clear by the grim remains of their evil deeds that litter the route to Fort Wayne.

With no other choice, they must push on toward their new destination for Emma’s sake. But Ben sees Colorado and home slip further from their grasp, along with his expectations of humanity. Even the youngest of the group can no longer be sheltered from the problems this post-apocalyptic world presents or the tough choices that come along with surviving in it.Image result for divider line icon

REDEMPTION, Dark Road Book Eleven            
Post Apocalyptic Survival Series
ovember 2021
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Honest enemies are better than false friends.

Ben, Joel, and Ed find themselves in the belly of the beast. During a heroic mission to find Emma’s much needed medicine, the trio and Max, Ed’s highly trained canine companion, are captured and questioned. Ben learns a difficult lesson. Sometimes the person you’d take a bullet for is standing behind the trigger.

They must find a way to escape, rescue Max if he’s still alive, and get the medicine back to Emma. The only thing standing in their way is a blood thirsty gang of lawless extremists.

The Patriot Hooligans have plagued Ben and the others since crossing the state line, leaving gruesome examples of the gang’s blood lust in their wake. Ben did what he could to avoid the gang and continue on to their home in Colorado, but circumstances dictated otherwise.

Ben, his son Joel, and Ed must now face their biggest adversary yet, while at the same time struggling to come to terms with some hard truths about the post-apocalyptic world they live in and the people they trusted.Image result for divider line icon

DISSENTION, Dark Road Book Twelve           
Post Apocalyptic Survival Series
April 2022
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You can’t outrun the truth.

Fresh off the heels of a major firefight with the Patriot Hooligan gang, Ben and the others must turn their attention to the treacherous road ahead and the final task of reaching Colorado.

In addition to the dangers they face in their everyday struggle to survive, there are tough decisions to be made. Ben is forced to choose between a guilty conscience and what’s best for his family when they find themselves at odds with a member of the group.

Amid the chaos that their lives have become, one thing still remains the same. Life on the road is as brutal as it ever wasImage result for divider line icon

Post Apocalyptic Survival Series
November 2022
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Courage isn’t having the strength to go on, it’s going on without having the strength.

Betrayal by one of their own leaves Ben and the others with more questions than answers as they push westward toward Colorado and their home in Durango. Or what’s left of it.

Ben tries to put Martin’s midnight escape and theft of their supplies in the past but soon finds out that won’t be as easy as he’d hoped. Circumstances beyond their control and Martin’s selfishness land them in trouble yet again, forcing Ben, Sandy, and the kids to fight for their survival.

The road home is fraught with peril and only getting worse thanks to dwindling resources and an unrelenting heat wave that threatens their progress. The remaining survivors they encounter are forced to desperate new lows, redefining evil for Ben and his crew. It’s all they can do to find the courage to go on.Image result for divider line icon

SANCTUARY, Dark Road Book Fourteen
Post Apocalyptic Survival Series
May 2023
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“We never know the worth of water until the well is dry.” (Thomas Fuller)

Ben and his crew have come a long way since they first began their dystopian road trip from hell. But hard learned lessons and discovering what it takes to survive in a world that doesn’t tolerate the weak or unprepared has molded them into a cohesive team.
With the eastern slope of the Rockies almost on the horizon, Ben and the others must remain more vigilant than ever. If the highway has taught them anything, it’s to never let their guard down. Danger is never far away in a world where their only assurance is that the next day will be harder than the last.
Ben must rally the troops and push on toward Colorado, while trying to navigate a gauntlet of murderous bandits, dwindling resources, and a doomsday cult leader who would like nothing more than to make sure they never see home again.

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BREAKTHROUGH, Dark Road Book Fifteen
Post Apocalyptic Survival Series
March 2024
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Challenge is inevitable. Defeat is not.

In the gripping finale of this cross-country post-apocalyptic odyssey, Ben and his crew traverse the desolate landscapes of a world ravaged by disaster, facing untold challenges, and forging unlikely alliances along the way.

As Ben and the others approach their final destination of Durango, Colorado, the group is tested yet again on their final push home, confronting the ghosts of their past and the harsh realities of a fractured world.

In a climactic showdown against the remnants of a once-civilized society turned ruthless, the bonds of family and the strength of the human spirit are pushed to their limits. The journey culminates in an unforgettable and heart-wrenching conclusion, where sacrifices are made, destinies are revealed, and the true meaning of survival is discovered.

In the shadows of a post-apocalyptic sunset, Ben, Sandy, and the kids grapple with the bittersweet reality of a new beginning forged from the ashes of the old world. The last leg of their journey is a testament to resilience, hope, and the enduring power of the human will in the face of an uncertain tomorrow.